Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Savoy

My expedition on Christmas day took me for tea at the Savoy. 

Stories I was told: 

* The Savoy opened in 1889.

* The Savoy Theatre was the first public  building in the world to be lit throughout by electricity.

* On the 15th of September 1940 crowds entered the savoy demanding shelter from the bombings.

This protest was in response to the government's attempt to paint the picture that London was gracefully going about business as usual to hide the ugly truth. 

* Oscar Wilde conducted his affair with Lord Alfred Douglas at the hotel.
* Churchill, Fred Astaire, Louis Armstrong, Marilyn Monroe, Laurence Olivier, Coco Chanel Nat King Cole, Bob Dylan and Charles and Diana are amongst those who have been photographed there: 

* Whilst Richard Harris was being carried through the foyer on a stretcher he warned the diners "it was the food!". He died shortly after.

So many more stories to find.


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